From now onwards, I wont spend half of my life communicating (read gtalk, sms’ing) with people.
Ill try to get a job…
Remember that the sole purpose of attending a class is attendance….
Organize pics before I get so irritated with their sheer volume that I start deleting them indiscriminately…
Stop crying over lost opportunities, i’ve already lost them and crying won’t get them back.
Doing less of the damsel-in-distress act (iv perfected it!!!), coz there won’t always be people to rescue me.
Do more of normal responsible stuff and less of the bizarre and careless things that I usually keep doing.
Do one thing wholeheartedly, instead of doing everything and then getting irritated, which is my usual state…like there are things that I love doing, which I won’t abandon at any cost…
Stop matiyaoing…ummm…well…no comments….this is an actual new year resolution (which means it won’t be followed)…and it expires in 3 days from the date of manufacture.